Impressions of national digital transformation

Digital technology seems to be pervading and penetrating all activities of the economic and social life of localities, ministries, sectors and the Government…

More than a year after the Prime Minister approved the “National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision to 2030”, the national digital transformation has achieved very clear initial results, especially in the field of digital transformation. awareness of digital transformation in state agencies, businesses and the whole people is constantly being improved.

According to data from the Ministry of Information and Communications, by the end of March 2022, the whole country had 22/22 ministries, branches and 63/63 localities set up a Steering Committee on digital transformation; 17/22 ministries, branches and 57/63 localities have issued digital transformation programs/plans/projects for a 5-year period. The digital transformation has been spreading to all levels and sectors, especially leaders, leaders have made clear changes; 100% of ministries, branches and localities have completed the Digital Transformation Steering Committee headed by the head (there are 6 localities directly headed by the Secretary, namely Ben Tre, Ha Giang, Ninh Thuan and Soc. Moon, Lao Cai, Binh Dinh).


According to data from the Ministry of Information and Communications, up to now, the databases that create the foundation for digital government have been promoted, which is a prerequisite for implementing digital government. In which, it is noteworthy that the national electronic civil status database has about 23 million birth registration data, of which over 7 million children are assigned personal identification numbers as prescribed; over 4.5 million marriage registration data; over 3.2 million death registration data. The rate of eligible public services provided online at level 4 is 97.3% (accounting for 52.33% of the total administrative procedures); the rate of online public services that generate records is 17.17%, equivalent to the first quarter of 2021; online processing rate was 24.75%, an increase of 8.82% compared to the first quarter of 2021.

The National Public Service Portal has been integrated with 3,552 online public services at levels 3 and 4 of ministries, sectors and localities, creating favorable conditions for people and businesses to have convenient (one-stop) access to the service. online publicity of state agencies at all levels.

In the first quarter of 2022, the National Public Service Portal had over 167,000 registered accounts; over 14 million state sync records; over 332,000 times of performing utility services from the gate; over 510,000 online applications made from the Portal; over 163,000 online payment transactions with the amount of more than 366 billion VND. The electronic invoice system has been deployed nationwide, creating convenience for people and businesses. In the first quarter of 2022, the tax authority received and processed 77,732,636 e-invoices.

Conclusion of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the Conference to implement the Project on developing the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022–2025, with a vision to 2030 , also emphasized that ministries and agencies have been actively and urgently deploying national databases, creating a foundation for e-government development, including a national database on population, business registration, social insurance, land, finance to connect and share nationwide. In particular, the national database on population is a very important national database, associated with each person, family – cell of society, is the foundation and large database for shaping digital success, digital society.

In fact, the Ministry of Public Security has actively coordinated with ministries and branches to deploy a national database on population; integrate, connect and expand population data collection; gradually forming a digital citizen ecosystem (connecting with 8 ministries and branches to supplement and enrich population data, including over 17 million social insurance information; nearly 78 million citizen information with over 133 million vaccinations; over 570,000 data information about officials and teachers; pilot implementation of electronic chips mounted on citizen identification cards; granting more than 7 million identification numbers for children to register for birth; pilot using citizen identification cards in medical examination and treatment…).

In addition, other national databases such as insurance, civil status, and business registration have been put into stable operation, bringing positive effects. The national database on land is being actively deployed; initially pilot sharing data information with the national database on population.


Affirming that digital transformation is associated with the country’s rapid and sustainable development, fast economic recovery and sustainable development in the current period, at the 2nd session of the National Committee on Digital Transformation At the end of April 2022, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that the task of the National Committee on Digital Transformation is very heavy, and asked the Committee to direct and organize the implementation of guidelines, mechanisms and policies. policies to promote the process of national digital transformation, closely linked with administrative reform; building and developing e-government, digital government, digital economy, digital society and smart city; facilitate the implementation of the fourth industrial revolution in Vietnam.

Therefore, the Prime Minister directed to review institutions, remove obstacles as well as improve institutions for digital transformation; invest in technology and infrastructure to develop digital transformation, especially information technology infrastructure; mobilize resources, including promoting public-private cooperation, mobilizing the contributions of the people; have mechanisms and policies suitable to the general mechanism but also have priorities to create a driving force for rapid development of digital transformation; innovating management in the direction of modernity to meet the requirements of the digital transformation process; while improving the quality of human resources.

“With digital government, digital government without digital citizens is not successful. In this process, it is necessary to regularly check and monitor, to avoid negative, corrupt, and group interests. Investment in development of digital transformation is not spread, must choose focus, focus, choose priority issues, be pervasive, effective, do whatever it takes to finish it, do not run after achievements …”, who directed by the head of the Government.

As the head of the agency leading the national digital transformation, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung repeatedly emphasized: 2022 is the year of the “total attack on digital transformation” and the year to focus on serving people service. According to Minister Nguyen Manh Hung, each province and city needs to focus on choosing 3 to 5 digital platforms to solve local problems in accessing healthcare, education, agriculture, and e-commerce platforms.

The Ministry of Information and Communications also said that in 2022, it will focus on 3 groups of tasks, which are perfecting institutions and policies, developing digital infrastructure and important digital platforms. In terms of institutions and policies, we will focus on perfecting the revised Law on Electronic Transactions; Decree on electronic identification and authentication; Decree on a controlled trial mechanism for fintech operations…

According to VnEconomy


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